Saturday, January 9, 2016

Eat Our Own Fruit

Imagine yourself as a little kid again, maybe the age of 6. Your parents are in another room, and you and your 10 year old role model brother are in the kitchen. Now imagine this dessert; it could be cookies, it could be ice cream. However there is this note from your parents on the fridge that reads, "You can eat any food from the pantry, but do not eat the dessert on the table." As a 6-year old kid, you probably have enough experience from the past to listen to your parents. So you get hungry and take some food the pantry, until all of sudden you hear your brother say, "Man, does this dessert look yummy!" He beckons you over to gaze at the masterpiece your mother made a little while ago. "Why don't you take a little bite off the side?" your brother says, "Mom won't notice a thing." But you come back with, "But mom told me not to on this note, and I trust she knows best." Your brother answers, "Mom just doesn't want you to taste how delicious it is! Just take a little bite, then you'll know how she feels after a yummy dessert like this!" He keeps pressuring and seducing you to take a bite of this forbidden and delicious dinner-ruiner. 

All of a sudden, you feel the guilt of eating the dessert, and your brother is no where to be found. So you realize what you have done and try to cover it up. Then your mother comes in. It's too late, you're done, you're going to the big house, you had a nice run. She notices that you have tried to cover it up and asks, "Why did you try to cover it up? Why did you eat the dessert I told you not to?" as you explain how delicious you thought it was you couldn't resist. He was tempted. Afterwords you mother sends you to your room after disobeying and you repeatedly hide from her because you are afraid she is still mad at you.

Notice a familiar set of events?

If you haven't caught on, this tale relates to the story of Adam and Eve; the very first humans to dwell with God. Now you see, like the story God tells them, “You may freely eat the fruit of every tree in the garden— except the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. If you eat its fruit, you are sure to die.” (Genesis 2:16-17). One rule; don't eat from the tree of knowledge or else. Now, they obediently followed this rule until they stumbled across a serpent that seduced them into taking a bite. Instantly they knew they were naked and hid from God. They were ashamed.

All of a sudden, God enters the place where Adam and Eve were and asked where they were. Adam answers, (I'm paraphrasing) "I realized we were naked so I hid!" He asks who told him that; this has a deeper meaning that I've missed up until recently. He knows that they have eaten from the tree, he knows where they're hiding. It's a beckon to intimacy with God, the last thing He wants is for us to hide from Him. There is a short passage from Jefferson Bethke's book It's Not What You Think that rattles me down to the bone. God is asking us, "Who told you that you weren't good enough? Who told you I didn't love you? Who told you that you were a failure? Because I sure didn't" (Bethke 58-59) This is such a hard hitter because when we realize that we aren't good enough; when we are addicted to drugs or porn, when we lie, cheat, kill, and steal, we hide. The slime of shame covers us and we constantly think we are worthless. But what God thinks of us is the exact opposite; He wants a relationship, intimacy, and love with His creation. 

Back to the eating of the apple; beforehand Adam and Eve put their trust in God with the knowledge of right and wrong. However, when Satan enters the picture he twists the trust of right and wrong to Adam and Eve, or independence from God. Adam and Eve didn't truly didn't know the difference between right and wrong before the fall because they didn't need to. They trusted that God knows best for them--which he does. 

Sin = I Know  
When we have the false idea that we know the difference between right and wrong, or good and evil; we become our own masters or gods. We think "I know what's best for me", but that is so toxic. This behavior leads to death. Trust in God's plan for your can lead to an eternity that you don't want to miss. 

We have the choice to decide our fate here, choose an awesome eternity trusting in God, or make our own path and completely destroy ourselves.

God loves you, you are worth everything to Him; don't forget that.

DEVOTIONAL PICK: "In His Steps" from 15 Minutes Alone with God for Men by Bob Barnes 

This devo comes from 1 Peter 2: 13-25, at a first glance it is a letter to slaves in various places in Asia Minor. Although, I come to this passage and think of a common message of perseverance. To respect authority even if they are cruel is a testament to your obedience to God. It also talked about how Jesus is the perfect example to follow in the midst of unjust conditions. 

But lets face it, we can't be exactly like Jesus, its impossible. There are a lot of things we can't change in this broken world, but we can introduce people to Jesus. We can develop a teachable spirit. It's the gift that keeps on giving. To share a unity in Jesus with others is truly a blessing. 

How teachable are you? What can you do to be more open to what God wants you to learn?

What will you do to follow in Jesus' steps today?

Father God thank You so much for speaking through me today. I pray that we can come out of hiding and  find a relationship that will truly last forever. Help me and the people reading this live like Jesus and spread the love today and the rest of our days on earth. Thank You for the ability, the time, and the resources to do this today. In Your son's name I pray,

John 16:33New Living Translation (NLT)

33 I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.”

God Bless!

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